Knewton Miri

Newsletter 36

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This week we welcomed back all our National School students to school. It was delightful to see all the happy faces back in the school buildings!


Students Return Safely Back to School
(July 23, 2020)

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We successfully reopened our campus for students under strict health and safety guidelines, after the closure of all schools in Malaysia on 18 March 2020.
It was wonderful to see our students back in school. We had a great start with parents adhering to the new traffic flow, dropping off their child while remaining in their car. On entry, every student has their temperature checked at the main foyer and their hands sanitised before they proceed to class.
These new procedures are our new normal and our utmost priority is our communities’ safety and wellbeing. Here are some important measures that we ensure our students adhere to:

1. Social distancing at least 1m apart.
2. Face mask on unless eating.
3. Hand hygiene – washing hands frequently with soap or hand sanitisers provided.
4. Temperature checks on arrival and checks throughout the day.
Year 10 student Alex, said, “I am happy and excited to come back to school because I can see my friends and interact with my teachers. The school is following the SOP rules very well because in our class we have separate tables and we are closely monitored by teachers to maintain a social distance at break time and we are not allowed to share food. We also have to wear mask throughout the day.”
Our Year 10 students returned to school on the 24 June followed by Early Years children on the 1 July. We have now welcomed back our Year 5 & 6, Standard 5 & 6 and Secondary from both International and Private National School.
It is very inspiring to see everyone back in school and adapting well showing positive difference, being a responsible Knewton Global Schools community. Well done everyone!


IGCSE Graduation Ceremony
(July 9, 2020)

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Congratulations to everyone in the Class of 2020! We bid an emotional farewell to Year 11 today who have made us really proud to wave the Knewton Global Schools flag.


Although time on campus was cut short with distance learning taking over the last couple of months, we did everything we could to get the year group in safely to celebrate everyone’s achievements.


Among our high achievement awards are:

  1. Achievement in Sports Award: Danial Cosgrove
  2. Achievement in English Award & Achievement in Maths Award: Phoenix Silvy
  3. Performing Arts Award: Veronica Juliet
  4. International Student of the Year: Megan C.
  5. Achievement in Science Award: Sajeev D.


Best of luck to our graduates and we wish you every success in your new adventure. Do visit us when you can, we can’t wait to hear from you about your adventures beyond Miri!


Most of our students have been part of the school for so long and we cannot imagine how it would be like without them.


Previously, we would normally announce the new student leaders during the ceremony but this year we have decided to make it a surprise. Watch this space!